Back for its third year, Jill will once again be teaching her Summer School. A home-based retreat, you will spend the weekend immersed in yoga. With a particular focus this year on how to develop your home practice  and feel the difference in your body and in your understanding of yoga.
Come and spend time exploring yoga in more depth than a regular class. The weekend is well-paced to leave you feeling energised. It’s a friendly and welcoming weekend and is suitable for all levels of experience.
For those who are new to Cheshire Yoga, Jill is a very experienced teacher, who for many years has taught classes in the NorthWest and elsewhere. She is a Yoga Therapist and also mentor to all levels of teachers.
Friday 28th June: 6-7.30pm
Saturday 29th June: 9-9.45am; 10.30-1pm; 3-5pm
Sunday 30th June: 10-1pm