So for many of us, a significant part of our day is spent sitting in front of a computer. Even as a yoga teacher, I seem to spend a lot of time in a sedentary position working on a screen – writing this blog being a case in point. Added to this is the change in seasons, with the clocks going back at the end of October (albeit we enjoy an extra hour in bed) it does generally herald a downturn in the weather. So we reach for an extra jumper, turn the thermostat up and huddle up at our desks with a warm cup of something, trying to ward off the growing chill and stiffening of the joints. And that’s where the story can end..…
But the omnipresent yoga may be able to help. Even as you sit at your desk, there is an opportunity to harness the power of yoga to assist you. So here are a few simple tips which you can employ to keep you warm, improve your circulation and your posture and potentially boost your immunity from coughs and colds.
1. Sit Well
Ensure that you are set up at a table or desk where you can sit up straight as you work. Holding your body upright rather than closing your shoulders and slouching, will improve your abdominal strength, open your chest so that the blood and breath can circulate without restriction and help limit neck pain

2. Extend your spine
Even when being mindful of our posture, the spine needs stretching out after long periods of sitting. So keep the feet planted evenly on the floor, interlock the fingers, turn the palms away and bring the arms above your head. Do it twice, changing the interlock of the fingers. Enjoy the space in the trunk.Â

3. Open your Chest
It’s very easy to close the chest and hunch the shoulders as you work at the desk, so make sure to open the chest. SIt sideways on the chair or forward, interlock the fingers behind the back and gently draw the hands down away from the shoulders and then lift the hands away from the body. Feel the opening of the chest and shoulders. Repeat changing the interlock of the fingers.

4. Awaken the back muscles
Enjoy some forward flexion in the back. Plant the feet firmly on the floor so that you aren’t going to tip forward. Interlock the fingers behind the back, opening the chest once again and then extend the body forward over the thighs. Hold for a few seconds and then repeat changing the interlock of the fingers.

5. Twist the Spine
Spinal twists increase energy levels and improve blood circulation to the spine. Sit again with the feet firmly planted on the floor, raise both arms up and with an exhalation lift the spine and then turn first to your right, bringing your left hand to the outside of your right thigh and your right hand to the chair back. Inhale again, lift the spine and with the exhalation turn the spine to the right. Do this for a few breaths and then repeat to your left side. The added benefit of twists is that they also warm you up, if you have got a bit chilly sitting still.Â

6. Oil your Hips
The cold can also bring a stiffness to the hips, so bringing your ankle to rest on the opposite knee and gently allowing the knee to release down will bring blood flow to the hip region. This is not an aggressive action and never press on your lifted knee, but rather encourage a gentle opening of the hip. Repeat to the other side.Â

These are just a few ideas of what you can do when you are sitting at your desk, but remember that nothing beats actually coming to class. Getting out of the house, meeting other people and having a teacher’s watchful eye cast over your poses, will see the greatest benefits to your physical and mental health.